Walk Score ®
Out of 100
This area is considered a car-dependent area and most errands will require a car.
955 Main St, Coventry, CT 06238
955 Main St, Coventry, CT 06238
Phone Number: (860) 852-6788
Data provided by TravelTime
Number of Bedrooms | Number of Bathrooms | Rent Range | Square Footage | Name of Floor Plan | Unit Number | Availability | Newly Added | View More Details |
A lifelong resident of Storrs, CT, Steven matriculated through Goodwin Elementary, Mansfield Middle School and E.O. Smith high school before leaving Storrs to attend Boston College where he majored in Economics. During his summer breaks at Boston College, Steven returned to Ferrigno, Realtors to work, first in an administrative capacity then in 2001 he earned his real estate sales license and started practicing real estate. After graduating college Steven went to work for the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network working as a Registered Representative dealing with insurance and financial planning products. From there Steven went to work for Wachovia Securities as a Junior Financial Representative assisting the Senior VP of Investments in his day to day client management activities. After realizing that Real Estate was his passion, Steven decided to return to Ferrigno, Realtors full time in 2005.<br><br>Continuing his mission to best serve his clients, Steven went on to earn his ABR, Graduate, REALTOR® Institute (GRI) & e-PRO (Real Estate Technology) real estate designations to further his knowledge base and bring new and better strategies and practices to his office. In 2009 Steven graduated from the University of Connecticut School of Business earning an MBA with dual concentrations in both Real Estate and in Finance.<br><br>Steven remarks, “My time in the UConn MBA program proved invaluable as it coincided with the financial crisis of 2008. Having professors who had real world experience having worked at FNMA, FHMC, the Federal Reserve, as well as Real Estate & Financial Investment Companies, who could explain the problems facing the country as well as comment on proposed solutions proved to be extremely enlightening.”<br><br>“As a result of all of my efforts to further my education, I feel like I am better able to serve my clients and help them identify the best real estate solutions to their unique situation. Whether it’s purchasing their first home, moving up to their next home, purchasing a condominium, exploring investment properties, building the custom home they have been dreaming of or downsizing to the perfect retirement spot, I feel like my broad knowledge base offers my clients an advantage they can’t find elsewhere,” says Ferrigno.<br><br>Steven is married to his wife Melissa and the two have a daughter and a son. They enjoy cooking and traveling together. Other activities Steven is involved with include:<br><br>Crystal Springs Farm Condominiums – HOA Board President Apr ’06 – Present<br><br>The Courtyard at Storrs Condominium Association – HOA Board President Apr ‘10 – Present<br><br>E.O. Smith Foundation – Member, Board of Directors, Alumni Committee, Chairman Aug ‘06 – Present<br><br>Tri-County Alliance of Realtors – Member, Board of Directors Jan ‘11 – Dec '15<br><br>Tri-County Alliance of Realtors - Chair - Membership Committee - Jan '16 - Present<br><br>Mansfield Economic Development Commission – Member Oct ’12 – Present<br><br>Mansfield School Building Committee - Member - June '18 - Present